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The Pattern on the Trestleboard

'The Pattern on the Trestleboard' was written by Dr. Paul Foster Case. It is a set of positive statements relating to the ten Divine Emanations of the Qabalistic Tree of Life. This meditation of 11 statements (12 if you count the title) can be thought of as part of your personal instruction manual. 12 statements that describe how life works, how the game should be played. They align with various mystical, spiritual and religious teachings. You can use them individually or collectively in many areas of your life, whether that be in a spiritual/religious sense, or a practical sense such as the study of science. They are meant to remind you of truth, not the illusions that we often perceive in life.

This Is Truth About The Self

This can be related to the Tree of Life, and each of the statements below relates to an aspect of the Tree of Life diagram, with its 10 sephirot. And it tells the story of the divine source energy coming down from above. The lightning flash; how the universe was created by a series of emanations. It can also be read in reverse, and tell the story of ascension, evolution, of progress, of change, of energy returning to source. And the statements are still just as true.

0. All the Power that ever was or will be is here now.

On the Tree of Life, this statement represents the Kabbalastic theory of Ain Soph, the void, the limitless all, the infinite light. This statement aligns closely with both spiritual philosophies and scientific studies concerning the nature of reality. The basic story of both is that all that exists, exists because of an infinite source of energy. Whatever this infinite source of energy is, well that is the topic of debate between science, religion, spirituality, philosophy, occultism, and any other school of thought to which you may prescribe. When you step back and see the similarities between all of these often contradictory viewpoints, you see that they're more often than not talking about the same thing. Everything is energy. And it's all here, right now.

1. I am a center of expression for the Primal Will to Good, which eternally creates and sustains the Universe.

On the Tree of Life, this represents the first sephira, Kether, the Crown. It represents your connection to the divine. You are stating that what you really are is that YOU ARE a center of expression, a vehicle, a transmitter, an unbelievably powerful tool, whose very nature is to do good. The Primal Will to Good, referring to the essence of existence. The universal energy that drives all of creation. Everything is following the universal flow of that infinite source of energy referenced in statement 0. That infinite power source "eternally creates and sustains the Universe." The general consensus among religions and other philosophies is the universal power of good. Love over hate. Good vibrations over low vibrations. So again, this statement is reminding you that YOU ARE part of that universal flow, that universal source, it's part of you. You are a transmitter, a broadcaster, a center of expression for it, and you help create and sustain the Universe.

2. Through me its unfailing Wisdom takes form in thought and word.

On the Tree of Life, this aligns with the second sephira, Chokmah, or Wisdom. It is reminding you that you are a "center of expression," a vehicle or transmitter that divine will passes "through." And since you are a transmitter, then is what you are expressing through your senses really you? Or is it the divine will? Here we can relate this to the concept of the ego, the false identification of "I" with what you express, what you say, what you feel, what you do. Who or what is saying or doing or thinking all of those things? That's a very complicated question, and philosophers and religious scholars and scientists have been trying to find the answer to that one for ages. A common theme is that there is an "I" and there is something else. Sometimes it's called a soul. An inner child. A higher self. An observer. Well whatever it is, it's why this statement says "through you," remind you that you are a vehicle for its expression, and it's saying that it is expressed, it takes form, in thought and word. What you think and what you say are powerful tools that you have been given. What you think and what you say, become your reality. You can relate this to the Law of Attraction, the principle of vibration, and other philosophies on the power of thought and word. So if you can align yourself with the divine, and have higher vibrational thoughts and say higher vibrational, more positive things, then you will align yourself with Divine Wisdom, which is unfailing.

3. Filled with understanding of its perfect law, I am guided, moment by moment, along the path of Liberation.

On the Tree of Life, this corresponds to the third sephira, Binah, or Understanding. So when you are filled with that divine wisdom as mentioned previously, then you have aligned your thoughts to such a high degree, raised your vibration that your consciousness and awareness expand to show you a bigger picture view of life, you start to see through the illusion, the "maya" or "veil" so often referenced in various spiritual and religious traditions. You start to see the connections, the patterns, and start to have this inner knowing of universal principles, its perfect divine law. And when you start to live life in these patterns, in these vibrations, then you are guided divinely along the path, which is the path to liberation. And all of these various mystical, religious, occult traditions are generally about following a path, towards some sort of liberation. The alchemical path towards the Philosopher's Stone. Various religious myths and stories about following a river. Jacob's Ladder to Heaven. The Kabbalistic path of the great lighting flash. The rising serpent of kundalini through the chakras. All of these concepts are about something following a path. They are all just different attempts at answering the same unanswered question, at solving one of life's many mysteries. Whether you think of that as solving the laws of physics, finding the meaning of life, finding God. So this statement is reminding you that the path you are on, no matter which of these paths you follow, will ultimately lead to the same destination, which is liberation.

4. From the exhaustless riches of its Limitless Substance, I draw all things needful, both spiritual and material.

ffdsa=ffdsaffdsffdfffOn the Tree of Life, this corresponds to the fourth sephira, Chesed, or Mercy. The first three sephira form a triangle, a holy trinity, at the top, and represent the intellect, the brain. This is the first sephira of the physical, of formation, of manifestation, of action. When your thoughts become things. So remembering the infinite source, this statement is telling you to connect to it and draw from its limitless substance, and to draw things that are needful, both spiritual and material. Think, say and do things that are positive for you and for others. Use your powers of thought and word to "draw," or mto your life that will aid you in your path of liberation previously mentioned. Everything you need in your path is there, because the substance of what you need is limitless. So use that limitless power to only "draw" things that are needed on your path. Whether those things be non-physical/spiritual, or physical/material.

5. I recognize the manifestation of the Undeviating Justice in all the circumstances of my life.

On the Tree of Life, this corresponds to the fifth sephira, Geburah, or Severity. This statement is to remind you of the hermetic principle of cause and effect. We reap what we sow. Actions have consequences. However you want to look at it, nothing truly happens "all of a sudden" or "out of nowhere" or "at random." Truly every action, every manifestation, every effect always had a cause. In all the circumstances of your life, whether the effects be positive or negative, there was always an initial cause. Whether you like it or agree with it or whether you caused it. And when you remember this truth, you realize you have the power to be on the better side of justice, to create positive effects, when you learn to harness the power of manifestation by using the basic tools you were provided. As referenced before, there is a limitless substance, an infinite source of energy and power, in both a spiritual and scientific sense. When you learn to use the powers within you, the powers of your thoughts and the powers of your words, then you can manifest and create more positive outcomes for yourself. And when things don't go right, when the effects are bad, you now see them for what they are, as undeviating justice, and start to see the patterns that cause those effects. And remember that justice is not punishment. It is simply the effects a cause.

6. In all things great and small, I see the Beauty of the Divine Expression.

On the Tree of Life, this corresponds to the sixth sephira, Tiphareth, or Beauty. Here we reference the hermetic principle of correspondence. As above, so below, as within, so without. The idea of the macrocosm in the microcosm and vice versa. Whether you look within yourself, or out at nature or up into the stars in the universe. Everywhere you look, exists the patterns of nature. Divine, universal source. In science, we find it in DNA. In nature, we find it in the sacred geometry patterns of pinecones and flowers. The patterns of lightning in the sky and the patterns of our nervous system. Tree branches and their roots. Frequencies and harmonies in music. Beautiful color combinations in rainbows. Whatever this universal source of energy is that we're talking about, well it follows a pattern, a path. Scientists, mathematicians, priests, occultists, witches, etc., everyone is on the quest to discover these patterns, these codes, these keys. Geometry, mathematics, chemistry, religion, these are all attempts at putting into formulas, into words, the beauty of the divine expression. Remember to look within and without and see it everywhere you look.

7. Living from that Will, supported by its unfailing wisdom and Understanding, mine is the Victorious Life.

On the Tree of Life, this corresponds to the seventh sephira, Netzach, or Victory. This is to remind you again of the law of attraction, of the principles of vibration and of cause and effect, that when you are living life aligned with that divine will, then you are supported by its wisdom and its understanding. And when you are having divine thoughts and saying/doing the right things, then the effects you are causing will be victorious. Yours will be a victorious life, because you have aligned yourself on the right path, the right vibration. Choosing to live your life in this positive direction, whatever that means to you personally, will support you with the right thoughts and the right awareness, leading to being a Cause in your life, not an Effect. A Master Player in the Game of Life, not a pawn being moved around unconsciously. It often comes down to the concept of Desire, and where yours lies. When they lie in lower vibrational, more ego-driven feelings such as lust or craving consumption, or desiring attention, then those desires lead to thoughts and actions that align with those types of vibrations which don't always have successful effects. But when your desire is for something different, something higher, like a desire for truth, for understanding, for knowledge, for God, for answers to your scientific or philosophical or mystical questions. When you have desire for those things, then you are on the track to victory.

8. I look forward with confidence to the perfect realization of the Eternal Splendor of the Limitless Light.

On the Tree of Life, this corresponds to the eighth sephira, Hod, or Splendor. This is to remind you of that path that you're on, and that path is leading towards liberation. That infinite substance, that limitless light, is on a path. The evolution of nature. The hero's journey. The quest for the philosopher's stone. The gates of heaven. Whatever that next destination is on your path, follow your path with confidence. Keep moving forward, keep looking forward with confidence that you will arrive at the next destination. In some spiritual beliefs, they say it may take several lifetimes, repeating the journey back and forth until you get there. Many occult and spiritual traditions teach that birth is death, and death is an awakening. A realization of that eternal splendor. So have confidence in knowing you will come to the perfect realization of the eternal splendor of that limitless light.

9. In thought and word and deed, I rest my life, from day to day, upon the sure Foundation of eternal being.

On the Tree of Life, this corresponds to the ninth sephira, Yesod, or Foundation. Yet again the meditation is reminding you that it is through the things you think, the things you say, and the things you do, that create your life. And when you have aligned yourself with divine or high-vibrational thoughts, words and actions, then you can rest assured and know deep down that you really are part of that divine source. You are an eternal being, because you are part of that primal will for good, you are on that path of liberation, you are that limitless light. When you have formed a solid foundation on which to life your life, then you can support all of those energies mentioned before. The Will for Good, the Desire for Knowledge or Truth or God or Peace. It takes a strong and solid foundation of positive thoughts, words and actions to be able to maintain positive wills and positive desires. So observe your thoughts and words, and make sure you have a strong foundation.

10. The Kingdom of Spirit is embodied in my flesh.

On the Tree of Life, this corresponds to the tenth sephira, Malkuth, or the Kingdom. This is a final reminder that you truly are the macrocosm in the microcosm. The universe in man. Being made in God's image. Being part of the all. Remember, your body is a temple. But it is also a vehicle. Don't become lost in identification with the body. Use the body as a tool to study and learn about life. To learn about yourself. To learn about the universe. To learn about God. To learn about whatever you want to learn about. Your body is an incredible tool, an incredible machine, an incredible temple. Everything you are made of is part of that limitless substance. That infinite power. Whether that be God or source energy or stardust. What you are made of is the same is what makes up that infinite power. Your consciousness is part of that same universal consciousness. And that that energy, that source, that power, has manifested itself, has expressed itself in the physical, as your body. Your DNA is that code, that pattern. There is a universal life force, a "spirit" that is embodied in your flesh. And that "kingdom" is your body, your temple, the universe within you. And You are the ruler, You are the god, You are the Creator of that universe, of that kingdom.

The entire Tree of Life is now activated. You have reminded yourself of the divine flow of energy coming down from above. Try reading The Pattern on the Trestleboard in reverse, to remind yourself of the upward flow of energy as well. The return to source. It is true no matter which direction you read it in.

Because this is the Truth of the Self.


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